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Oxford Spanish Dictionary
Free Download Oxford Spanish Dictionary
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`Review from previous edition the dictionary is a fantastic piece of work, full of good examples, very instructive, and carefully done'Dr Ignacio M. Palacios Martinez, Universidad de Santiago`Given the global reputation of Oxford lexicography, the first edition of their Spanish dictionary signalled the birth of another future giant; but the speed of its growth is vertiginous...The already rich coverage in the previous edition has been enhanced with 20,000 new entries, which coverthe latest vocabulary across hundreds of topics...Definitions are presented in the most lucid manner. 'TLS`Given the global reputation of Oxford lexicography, the first edition of their Spanish dictionary signalled the birth of another future giant; but the speed of its growth is vertiginous...The already rich coverage in the previous edition has been enhanced with 20,000 new entries, which coverthe latest vocabulary across hundreds of topics...Definitions are presented in the most lucid manner. 'TLS
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Product details
Hardcover: 2032 pages
Publisher: Oxford University Press; 4th edition (July 3, 2008)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 9780199543403
ISBN-13: 978-0199543403
ASIN: 0199543402
Product Dimensions:
10.5 x 2.8 x 7.9 inches
Shipping Weight: 6.1 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review:
4.5 out of 5 stars
69 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#35,155 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
I gave this book to my elderly Uncle who has been teaching himself to read & speak Spanish. He had complained that all his previous Spanish language dictionaries had been inferior. Since receiving this dictionary he’s constantly raving about how useful it has been. No more complaints. He looooves this dictionary.
When the subject is language arts and the English language is involved, the source for information is Oxford University Press. This is my second Oxford Spanish/English Dictionary, replacing a 20-year-old edition that, along with my Oxford Concise English Dictionary and Fowler's Modern English Usage, has served well over the years. Daily use has resulted in physical deterioration of the older editions along with inevitable changes in language dictated the need to semi-retire them to reference emeritus shelf. The new editions are all that I expected.
What's not to love about this dictionary? It's chock full of all kinds of words. If all you have is a Bantam Spanish-English paperback dictionary or something like that you will need to supplement with a larger more complete dictionary for day-to-day use. And yes, 33$ is a lot to pay in this day and age where electronic information makes print media redundant. However, I like to have the actual book itself from time to time. And you will find it a good investment, because you will use it year after year. It has all kinds of slang and culinary references. For example: chupi = great chupin = fish stewThe English section is quite a bit larger than the Spanish section, though the Spanish section is quite large. The entry words are in blue, while the definitions are in black. Pretty easy to read. Paper quality is actually a little on the thin side, but not ridiculously so. Overall, an excellent reference work.
I owned the first edition and decided to renew. Fourth edition is better in many ways. I miss the thumb index though.
This is an awesome dictionary. It has a section on letter writing, for instance that is detailed and accurate. It approaches Spanish from the English and the Spanish.
VERY NICE dictionary, purchased to replace a 40 year old dictionary that did not include many of the new technology terms being used today. Very happy with the completeness of the dictionary.
I have found the Oxford Spanish Dictionary to be an excellent reference. I also have other spanish-english dictionaries as well as the "Diccionario Esencial de la Lengua Española" which I used extensively before buying the Oxford. I now find that I do not need the others. The coverage is better than the Diccionario Esencial and the examples in the Oxford are excellent.I particularly appreciate how it does not even attempt to provide an English equivalent for many Spanish termd but rather provides extensive examples, with translation, for how they may be used. I have been recently been reading 19 century short stories in Spanish and this dictionary has been a godsend for find many of the more obscure or colloquial terms.
HUUUUUGGGGGEEEEE! Should last a life time!
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