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Product details
File Size: 54422 KB
Print Length: 336 pages
Page Numbers Source ISBN: 0823267407
Publisher: Empire State Editions; 1st edition (December 1, 2013)
Publication Date: December 1, 2013
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#1,077,923 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
I've been waiting for a book like this for a long time, and I was so excited to learn of it. And so my disappointment in the actual result was profound. While it's clear that Raskin knows the stories of the unbuilt lines in tremendous (even excessive) detail, the organization of the book is baffling, and the lack of maps and legible diagrams is unforgivable--especially since Raskin refers to the lines by their historic names (e.g., the Sea Beach Line instead of the N). This is an understandable decision, but it must make the book daunting for those who haven't internalized the old names. A list of lines and names in the back helps a little, but a map or series of maps would have made a huge difference.I know maps are expensive and that old ones often don't reproduce well. But Raskin needed to make the investment in new drawings to illustrate much of what he talks about. I'm very familiar with New York's transit geography, but I repeatedly had to go to other sources to figure out what he was referring to. The narrative structure is equally baffling, with stories coming and going in no particular chronological order. I can't imagine what a more casual reader would make of this.I really wanted to love this book, but I think only the most diehard of NYC railfans will get through this happily.
This is a wonderfully written, fascinating, book the parts of the New York City's subway system that were never built. If Seinfeld was a great television show about nothing, this a great book about how what seems like nothing tells us a lot about a great city.Raskin knows New York City intimately and his love for the city comes through on every page of the book. This love combines with knowledge to provide amazing insights into what the city could have been and into what the city should be. Vast stretches of the city are without subway service. Why? Were certain neighborhoods or certain population groups considered unworthy or undesirable while others were considered meritorious? Were residential neighborhoods less important than financial and commercial sections of the city? What have the consequences of these decisions been? What should be doing now? This important and eloquent book gives us some answers and raises more questions. It's fun reading for people who are interested in New York City but it's important reading for those of us who care about urban politics, urban economics, urban anthropology, urban geography, urban history and urban planning.
For anyone with a serious interest in the history of the New York City subway system, this book is a must have. The book cites many important references to substantiate the text in the book. It is a little disappointing that the book did not include discussions of the earlier steam and elevated. For example, The suburban extensions of the Manhattan elevated lines were never built, as shown on the February 1879 map in Harper's Weekly. When Brooklyn West End line was elevated, why was the route changed from that of the original surface line? One very perplexing question relates to the original 1885 Brooklyn elevated line (the "Old Main Line"). The Brooklyn Bridge construction began in the mid-1870's, and it was opened in 1883. Construction for the old Main Line must have begun in the early 1880's, when the Brooklyn approaches to the bridge must have been well known. So why was the terminus of the Old Main Line not re-routed from the Fulton Ferry to the Brooklyn Bridge approach?The book is replete with many logical examples of new routes, and route extensions that would have been highly beneficial to the riders of the New York City subways, but were never built, or as in the case of the Second Avenue Subway which is finally being built, is the subject of many cost saving measures, that limits its usefulness.However, one thing that detracts from the book is the poor quality of some of its illustrations.All-in-all, this book is an important addition the libraries of people with serious interest in the history of the New York subways.
Having been a subway rider and subway fan since the fifties, I always used to look out the front window whenever I could. Unfortunately full width cabs make that impossible now, but that's a different story. I always used to see those unused ramps and platforms and structures that should have had tracks but didn't. This book answered all my questions and filled in all the blanks. The quality of the many maps was disappointing, but maybe that's just in the kindle edition. This book is a "must read" for any NY Subway aficionado.
A thoroughly researched book rich in footnotes. The theme is largely political showing the conflicts between proposed routes, construction (subway vs. el), real estate developers vs. riders, private management (IRT and BMT) vs. city constructed and managed. (IND), and the conflicts between state and city. There were endless and enervating political delays which delayed construction of new routes for decades. The impacts of the great depression and WW2 are well drawn. One is impressed at the power held by various mayors, Robert Moses, and administrators who were advancing their own political agendas at the expense of sound economic and engineering considerations. These factors persist to this day. It is a wonder that the LIRR to the eastside, the extension of the 7 to the westside , and the initial phase of the 2nd avenue subway are underway despite the political and economic environment.On the negative side, the maps and figures are often poor copies barely readable with a magnifying glass. I wish for clearer and, perhaps, redrawn supporting artifacts.
A great read for rail historians, as well as anyone interested in NYC transportation history. Politics and dreams, along with a little insight, keeps it interesting.
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